going to be fulfilled in this trial also. So often though we forget we are God's servants here to do the Lord's work. So say to him also... that Jesus loves him and that Jesus died for him, and Jesus wants none to perish, but that all is invited to come to him, and that there is none that are not invited. And that Jesus has prepared a place for him in heaven, and that if it were not so... Jesus said, he would have told us so!
From your words it sounds like your brother is not in good shape. Honey , God loves him so much, and we are to proclaim God's love to people right where they are in life. That's the way God accepts us, we don't change a thing we come to him just as we are...dirt and all! And he washes away the dirt and the mire in our lives... and then he restores our souls and he also restores our bodys acording to our faith in him!
May peace be given to your brother no matter what tomorrow brings. Since I have learned it... I've said...thank God we have today!
None of us have the promise for tomorrow.
Oh but if we could all love... like we were dying! We'd hug a little longer, and we'd love a whole lot deeper! Love you brother in the Lord.
The Lords love for you brother in not based on conditions for while we were all yet sinners. Jesus chose to die for all of our sins at the same time, That none should perish! God loves your brother...That much!
Love in the Lord;
KCK/ Ted Columbus, Ohio