The tax collector of that time was tryin to make off with the towns' booty so the town folk called their
alien buddies to hunt him down once they unferled his plot.
The aliens were follerin, (that's southern fer followin) him by usin thier intergalactic space silver coin mudulator
to locate his where 'bouts and he figgered out that thier intergalactic space silver coin modulator couldn't penetrate the waters surface
so he dove into the rivers' mighty currect to try and use it to disguise the coinage as mere river stone and hence get away with his dastardly deed.
As you can see, the aliens were indeed folled( that's southern fer foiled) in thier attempts to capture said perpetrator in posesion of the booty.
He, on the other hand was indeed aprehended, probed, punished and subsequently became breakfast fodder for the aliens.
Thier have since been ca1800's reports discovered that the aliens declared that they would never be part of any such deeds on our planet again. They said they were all taken ill when they consumed said perpetrator. They said.............................
he tasted like chicken