Being a newbie to this "sport" of metal detecting, I have read all the posts about proper technique and etiquette and have adhered to the Metal Dectorists Ethics, however, I have not seen the subject addressed about how does one relieve oneself in public, without attracting public disdain or the Law, and will share a few tips.
This issue has never been a problem for me related to other outdoor activities, usually one just "lets fly" wherever and whenever the urge arises. In matters of a liquid sort, it is accomplished with little fanfare and thinking, over the side of the boat, in a minnow bucket if theres a crowd around, or against the nearest tree. In matters regarding solids, or semi-solids, a person has to be a little bit better prepared. Leaves are untrustworthy, so a person can plan ahead and carry some paper, Even without paper, a smooth stick, or a smooth stone work well, in a "pinch" if you will, a quarter makes a handy little scoop, and can be left behind to be discovered by one of our brethren. The best is a handful of snow! It is a refreshing and effective way to solve this dillema, and can be chucked against a target once employed.
Now, on a crowded beach, or in a public park, things get a little more complecated. A fellow cant be running to the porta potty, or the nearest fast food establishment all the time, and as I get older, theres not enough of a warning window to make this possible.
On my sand scoop, I have attached a small funnel to the end of the handle, and have drilled out a hole in the bottom, I wear long loosefitting shirts, so a fellow can poke the end of the scoop handle in the front of ones trousers, inserting the winkie snugly in the funnel, completely covered by the shirttails, pretending a target is being pinpointed, with both hands free, discreetly resolve this issue.
In matters reagrding the solids, a deep hole excavated in the sand by one of the beachgoers makes a nice hidden place, be sure to aquire a unused towel, or a shirt, both of which can be found in abundance on most beaches unattended. Drop out of sight into the depression, be quick about it, no dilly dallying, kick some sand over it, replace the employed piece of fabric in its general location, and be on your way! Most likely a kid or a dog will get the blame, not some old geezer who is stumbling around with headphones on. in a park, get to the playground, and find a secluded spot behind the climbing wall, in a baseball field dugout, or anywhere you can have a minute unobserved.
Hope this helps, and Happy Hunting! And bring an extra pair of undergarments, enough money for bail, and your senior citizens ID card, just in case.
This issue has never been a problem for me related to other outdoor activities, usually one just "lets fly" wherever and whenever the urge arises. In matters of a liquid sort, it is accomplished with little fanfare and thinking, over the side of the boat, in a minnow bucket if theres a crowd around, or against the nearest tree. In matters regarding solids, or semi-solids, a person has to be a little bit better prepared. Leaves are untrustworthy, so a person can plan ahead and carry some paper, Even without paper, a smooth stick, or a smooth stone work well, in a "pinch" if you will, a quarter makes a handy little scoop, and can be left behind to be discovered by one of our brethren. The best is a handful of snow! It is a refreshing and effective way to solve this dillema, and can be chucked against a target once employed.
Now, on a crowded beach, or in a public park, things get a little more complecated. A fellow cant be running to the porta potty, or the nearest fast food establishment all the time, and as I get older, theres not enough of a warning window to make this possible.
On my sand scoop, I have attached a small funnel to the end of the handle, and have drilled out a hole in the bottom, I wear long loosefitting shirts, so a fellow can poke the end of the scoop handle in the front of ones trousers, inserting the winkie snugly in the funnel, completely covered by the shirttails, pretending a target is being pinpointed, with both hands free, discreetly resolve this issue.
In matters reagrding the solids, a deep hole excavated in the sand by one of the beachgoers makes a nice hidden place, be sure to aquire a unused towel, or a shirt, both of which can be found in abundance on most beaches unattended. Drop out of sight into the depression, be quick about it, no dilly dallying, kick some sand over it, replace the employed piece of fabric in its general location, and be on your way! Most likely a kid or a dog will get the blame, not some old geezer who is stumbling around with headphones on. in a park, get to the playground, and find a secluded spot behind the climbing wall, in a baseball field dugout, or anywhere you can have a minute unobserved.
Hope this helps, and Happy Hunting! And bring an extra pair of undergarments, enough money for bail, and your senior citizens ID card, just in case.