I didn't make it either, WY. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. I really wanted to see the horde of gold coins the folks found in their back yard as it was supposed to be on display at this show. I went to the river about 1 pm and detected until 3 pm and my At/Pro acted up like it had water in the battery compartment again. Changed coil, batteries, headphones, reset and tried everything I could to get it to quit falsing, but no go. I had the GTI-2500 and wanted to use it on land awhile, but the old bones said go home Fongu. There will be another day. Found 1 nickel & 1 penny and a small star shaped ear ring and lots of bullets and 22 casings. the modification on my scoop worked great. I really wanted to visit with Lighthouse publications at their booth and get a usb microscope, stand and light, but will have to wait until the next time. You get better deals at the coin shows than you do online.