I have been running various F-75 Proto's for several months now.... and I must say there is legitimate justification as to why I DID NOT report any initial findings with early generation Proto's.... as the final product differs dramatically from the original Proto, in respect to operating characteristics.
In a nut-shell:
* F-75 most closely resembles T-Square (T-2), but with much more power/Sens.
* F-75 is approx. 1.5" deeper on a U.S. dime vs. T-2.
* T-2 is High Resolution Iron Discrimination (Disc of: 00 - 40).
* F-75 is High Resolution Aluminum Discrimination (Iron Disc is 00 - 15).
* F-75 has up to 300% greater sensitivity to small gold (vs. T-2).
* F-75 has tremendous gain on small gold when Disc is reduced to '0'.
* F-75 incorporates CZ-3D "old coins" Specs, 4-Tone, VCO pinpoint, nickel hi-tone. ---Nickel window is slightly widened.... and 'old generation' coins audibly report as 3rd-highest tone in the 4-tone mode. (( Sounds similar to the "relic" tone on CZ-70 )). All 4 tones similar to CZ-70. (Comfort zone not infringed).
* F-75 & T-2 has microprocessor (identical - audible) extremely enhanced adjacent target separation characteristics..... as fast as...and possibly faster then human brain comprehension.
* F-75 & T-2 coil electromagnetic footprint is identical. ( Tightest DD footprint in the industry ).
* F-75 vs. T-2 (in 2, 3 & 4 tone modes) Identical target separation (in iron or alum trash).... except F-75 has more sensitivity,,,,giving better audible resolution on non-Fe targets (especially deeper targets).
* F-75 VDI on Cu dime = '72' and on Ag dime = '74'. (High Resolution Aluminum Discrimination can also be viewed upon as: High Resolution Coins Discrimination).
* F-75 is a noisy machine due to extreme levels of Sensitivity capabilities ....and,,,, to a beginner/newbie, it may be quite difficult to understand its language. T-2 users will have zero problems - seemless transition. Remember; In most cases the 'chatter' you hear with the T-2/F-75 (in actuality) is not 'chatter'.... rather, it is tiny (or deep) pieces of metal. And also remember (especially w/F-75) it allows the operator to "overdrive" the Sensitivity because there are some physical areas where this is do'able (and prefered).
* F-75 has slightly less electrical/electrostatic interference problems vs. T-2 & Coin$trike.
* T-2 turned out to be a very serious 'relic' hunter (not intensionally). F-75 was intended/targeted to be more of a 'coins' hunter; however, in reality, I have verified it is a 'coins' hunter (more so then T-2) and a premium 'relic' hunter.
* Be careful; 'masked and/or deep coins' will give low 'Confidence' LCD readings.
* Moderately Fe-masked targets are mostly undetectable to other detectors, whereas F-75 will report the non-ferrous target in co-locate with iron. In these cases, do not rely on VDI numbers.... as the F-75 will homogenate/mix...and usually "up-average" the VDI numeric reading. Most places hunted, masking is severe.
* F-75 has identical depth (with proper ID) capabilities to CZ (w/8" coil) in Florida inert soil.
* F-75 has nearly identical depth (with proper ID) capabilities to CZ in Georgia red laterite. (Some areas the Fe3O4 (magnetite) LCD bar-graph easily pegged w/T-2 & F-75).
* Of noteworthy interest; T-2 & F-75 are single Freq units.... and parallel the multi-freq CZ in the department of depth.
* F-75 not indended as a wet-salt beach unit; however, performance is okay.
* Dry sand performance is tremendous if config'd properly.
* CZ & F-75 on coin-sized targets (in most cases) have nearly identical depth capabilities and overall performance (in most parts of the country); HOWEVER, in medium-light, medium, medium-heavy & heavy trash areas the F-75 is far superior in adjacent target separation capabilities. Once again; "depth" vs. "EFFECTIVE depth" (See Fisher Intelligence - 6th edition for expanded explanation).
* In clear/trash-free fields in Georgia severe red lateritic dirt, Minelab Explorer is superior to F-75/CZ/T-2. In same dirt, ...in medium-low, medium, medium-high & high trash areas the F-75 (& T-2) are far superior to all others (including Minelab & CZ). Microprocessor of Minelab is unacceptably slow. Keep in mind; approx 80% of the areas we hunt are medium-low (and higher) trash areas. Where people cohabit the most..... is where most finds will be located.
* In a Fe trashy area, hunting behind a CZ/Explorer..... the F-75 will give appearance the area may have never been hunted.
On a personal note: Hunted an old home-site in Georgia. Heavily nail infested. Explorer was quiet. Excessively quiet. Audio threshold was constantly nulled (due to Fe nail infestation dirt). CZ was 'chattery'. Any/All CZ & Explorer performance were 'shut-down' due to severe handicap in nails. F-75 was 'noisy' but found MANY non-ferrous targets that CZ & Exp could not see (head-to-head verified/validated). F-75 could see non-Fe targets to depths of approx 3"...where as CZ & Exp could only see surface targets semi-reliably. ---- Hunted several other areas with similar performance. ...Explorer is too slow to 'reset' between adjacent targets.
* Deliberately run the F-75 a bit noisy.
* Optional coils to follow. Be patient.
One other thing I need to say;
* F-75 can be set up to run quiet/stable/non-"chattery". ( I always have the tendency to push things to max limits ).
Thomas J. Dankowski