vlad said:
....By the way, Ty Brook has a sizable reward for anyone that can prove an Electroscope or similar device works to his satisfaction.
1) I agree with you on the memory bias trick of md'ing, horse-racing, horoscopes, etc....
2) As for the various charlatans (supposed psychics, fake healer-preachers, etc...), there is a difference between that, and what we're talking about in the "gold vs aluminum" notion: The difference is: Those exposed fakers *knew* that they were merely doing a parlor trick. But the md'r, who thinks he can tell aluminum from gold (by sounds, tones, TID coords, etc..) is quite sincere. They do not realize the memory bias trick going on. Sincere (albeit mistaken) vs
Insincere .
3) As for the "Electroscopes or similar devices": Perhaps the maker of the LRL (with a battery and some wires) knows full well it's just cobbled together pinball parts that do nothing. But I'll bet a bunch of the buyers/users of the devices are sincere (albeit sincerely duped).
And as for Ty Brook's reward: You would THINK that the un-claimed prize money SHOULD SPEAK VOLUMES . And put the matter to rest. Right ? But there's an amazing psychology that arises from the "faithful", when unclaimed challenge/rewards are pointed out to them. Instead of "
putting the matter to rest", they will come out with a string of comeback lines that is truly amazing:
a) We don't have to prove anything to you. So the reward money proves nothing.
b) The person who got tested & failed , only proves that singular user wasn't qualified, wasn't holding it right, and needs more practice.
c) The test the they offered to do is rigged and unfair. Deliberately to cause the LRL users to fail.
d) The reward money isn't high enough to entice me to take the challenge (my time, my travel $ to get there to be tested , etc...)
e) Or the faithful will dig deep to find "dirt" on those who'd dare to make such prize $ challenges. Ie.: they could dig in on Ty Brooks, and find out he lacks a science degree. Or perhaps he has something in his past he's not proud of (stole too many hubcaps as a kid). Or ... you name it. For example: They did this to Randi's prize $$. They attacked the character of Randi (as if that had anything to do with the challenge being offered !). Eg.: since Randi had a big income (as a sought-after speaker for TV appearances, speaking engagements, endorsements, etc....), well then ... Gee, that must mean he's "
only in it for the money" and he's "
just an entertainer". Hence we can dismiss anything he says, right ? Including this test challenge.
See how it never ends ? So as much as you'd think these prize moneys to "put up or shut" would put an end to it, they never do