NASA-Tom [ PM ]
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 30, 2017 03:19PM Registered: 10 years ago
Posts: 7,378
In the past 7 months....... I have run into 4 State Archaeologists ....... completely independent of one-another...... of whom have made nearly the exact/same statement to me:
"Life begins at 3-feet"
After the 4th Archaeologist made this statement......... it 'frustrated' me enough to pin him down for some 'questioning'. In short:
1) "You" detectorists are only playing in the top 12" of peat. "You guys" haven't even gotten down to the 'dirt' yet. You may find a proverbial 'acorn' in your peat top-soil......just enough to keep your interest.
2) If you want to find things from the early 1700's........ you need to dig 3-feet. "Life begins at 3-feet". ((He showed me many documents proving exactly this.))
3) "Be a real man........ and dig pits in strategic locations....... and your eyes will be opened".
I'm well aware of these facts; yet, wounded again by this 'reality-check'........and from multiple scientific fact-based sources.........,,,,,,,,,,, that do this for a living.
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Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 30, 2017 03:19PM Registered: 10 years ago
Posts: 7,378
In the past 7 months....... I have run into 4 State Archaeologists ....... completely independent of one-another...... of whom have made nearly the exact/same statement to me:
"Life begins at 3-feet"
After the 4th Archaeologist made this statement......... it 'frustrated' me enough to pin him down for some 'questioning'. In short:
1) "You" detectorists are only playing in the top 12" of peat. "You guys" haven't even gotten down to the 'dirt' yet. You may find a proverbial 'acorn' in your peat top-soil......just enough to keep your interest.
2) If you want to find things from the early 1700's........ you need to dig 3-feet. "Life begins at 3-feet". ((He showed me many documents proving exactly this.))
3) "Be a real man........ and dig pits in strategic locations....... and your eyes will be opened".
I'm well aware of these facts; yet, wounded again by this 'reality-check'........and from multiple scientific fact-based sources.........,,,,,,,,,,, that do this for a living.
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