I was out-of-town from the 21st thru the 3rd and while gone we shot some videos of the 'Nail Board Performance Test' using several makes and models, all with their stock coils. Naturally, it included the G2 which is a favorite of mine (mainly with the 5" DD coil). We have some more video work to do as we were also including the 'Homestead Rock' and a dirt clod and some smaller rocks.
We need to do some more with smaller coils, too, and then they will be posted. The Gold Bug Pro/G2 work pretty well, especially with the smaller coil. All of this was done using an actual-size Nail Board and nails (which we sell as a 'packet'). When finished, I'll have all of the videos posted so folks can see how various makes/models work (or don't work), and you're welcome to e-mail me if you'd like to discuss how the G2 or Gold Bug Pro have been performing. I will, however, be traveling out of town to call on dealers, probably tomorrow (Thursday) morning and will be gone for another 7-10 days.