I bought an MXT Pro and used it for 3 days now. I am getting used to it very quickly and the last hunt I went on I was on property in North Missouri that has history back around early 1800. As far as I know there has not been any detecting on the property. I began hunting it in the late evening last night and only had a short time to detect but I was happy to get a strong +80 to +86 hit right away! It showed a depth of 8 inches which was also encouraging. I began digging and stopped near 7-8 inches and used my DX-1 to probe the hole, No signal yet. I rescanned the hole with the detector and still got a strong +80 to + 86 and 8 inch depth. I continued this dig till I was at 12-13 inches and I widened the hole so that the ENTIRE 950 coil would fit to the bottom of the hole while level. The target was still there. While lowering the coil into the hole in pinpoint mode, it showed a depth of about 6-7 inches. At the surface it showed about 8 inches, and had a very small pinpoint area. I had to give up at this point and left frustrated that I could get such a good signal and preferred depth range but not find anything.
From what I read in the manual, if you get a shallow reading(8 inches in this case) and small pinpoint but you dig well beyond the depth reading and still dont find it yet then it is probably a large item. How common would a large item give a +80 to +86 VDI? (mason jar with ??????) Given the details I provided, Is this a target that I must go back to (with a bigger shovel) and figure out what it is or is it something you would have passed by the first time?
From what I read in the manual, if you get a shallow reading(8 inches in this case) and small pinpoint but you dig well beyond the depth reading and still dont find it yet then it is probably a large item. How common would a large item give a +80 to +86 VDI? (mason jar with ??????) Given the details I provided, Is this a target that I must go back to (with a bigger shovel) and figure out what it is or is it something you would have passed by the first time?