Sent my idx off to Mr. Bill to add some feature's and dials. It was returned to me on Wed April 22 2009 and wouldn't you know it, it was 45 degrees and raining. When it stopped there were puddles everywhere. I tried to hunt but it was kind of useless, but Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday were great! It took me a while to get use to manual ground. I didn't think it was working but I didn't properly adjust it. Also along with my idx, i received a 5.3 bulls eye coil which i purchased. Monte always mentions this coil and how much he liked it and he was correct - it is a very good coil. It was really different not having my mxt with a lot of information on what was in the ground. The idx more of beep and dig but the display will lock on coins. It was at first frustrating and then it turned to fun. What was in the ground i wondered..swing...beep...look at display...coin...hmm..dig and sure enough coin. Usually when it says trash, it usually is. Now i have all metal with a threshold and man is it great! The sound when ground balanced correct is smooth where as the mxt threshold is like white noise from TV with gravel in the back ground. I found my self hunting 70 per cent of the time in all metal. So how did the super charged idx do? Great! I kept getting better and better with it. In all fairness, I took it to some really tough spots. One was where they have a fair every year and the grass grows on the gravel. The type with iron in it and fly ash from cei electric. I pulled the oldest coin for the week - a Wheatie 1925. The other spot is a soccer filed surrounded by those colossal electrical towers. When you park and get out of the car you can feel your car buzzing. When you close the door you get a tiny shock. It did pretty well. I found some quarters. The rest of the spots were school yards and small fields that have been really pounded. I was surprised at the depth on the coil. It was grabbing coins a 6 to 7 inches and on some junk deeper like say a gutter spike or a can. So i had a good weekend and Mr Bill does a heck of a job. It looked like it came from factory...the new dials he put on and he adds a little nitro boost to sensitivity when you reach a certain range. I couldn't use it all the time but there were times I could. Also thanks to Monty for the coil advice. Wanted to post some pics of my finds also. Yes I think it is worth sending it to Mr.Bill and having him work on it rather than sell it. It will be be one of my machines I use. Yes I am very happy with the work done. In pic two rows of pennies, a row of nickels, a row of dimes and a row of quarters. In front standing best finds
[attachment 124825 DSCF3011.JPG] coins found
[attachment 124827 DSCF3012.JPG] fooler junk found
[attachment 124826 DSCF3017.JPG] Mr.Bills dials
[attachment 124828 DSCF3020.JPG] everything
[attachment 124825 DSCF3011.JPG] coins found
[attachment 124827 DSCF3012.JPG] fooler junk found
[attachment 124826 DSCF3017.JPG] Mr.Bills dials
[attachment 124828 DSCF3020.JPG] everything