I guess Kellyco made it right with you? I'm curious why they didn't work with you the other day when you called?
I like Kellyco but their is some things about them that just don't sit right with me. One is that I called for their "Outstanding" price that they can't advertise, the price I got was full retail price. Then after eMailing sales, they gave me $100 off. They have a 120% price guarantee but 20% off retail would be $300. Some dealers are selling them for $200 or more off retail. The rundown is that I had to call in to get a price, and it was full retail price, then I had to eMail to get any kind of discount, and it was less than 7%, they give more $ off the price of the White's $599 metal detectors, finally since I had to phone my order, I didn't get any of their other "with metal detector purchase" specials.
JW did give me a message to call and I haven't done so yet, had to take my son to the hospital with pneumonia last weekend and been working late all week so far. Also, I do feel like I got a much better deal than just the $100off retail because of their BOGO sale. I bought my son a nice detector for $50 and we go detecting together. I guess my bottom line squeek is that you shouldn't have to call in to get retail price and the salespeople should inform you of the deals you can get with your order, I just don't feel you should need to call back to make it right.
I sure appreciate JW and his effort to keep customers satisfied. I don't know of any dealers in my area, the closest one listed on Whites sight has maybe 3 or 4 detectors on a stand, I haven't noticed any change in it for maybe 4 to 5 years, haven't seen anything else to do with metal detecting at their store either ... but next time I think I'll check all area dealers before I call.