Back your gain off to 6-7 and up your sens, you want reasonable stability but 16 is quite low. I run 26 most of the time, higher if its stable, lower if its going nuts but I never drop below 22. Push the variability to 10 and you can tell a merc from a barber dime.
Contrast is all about the outside temp and sunlight. Adjust up and down for clear visibility. If the background is looking black decrease, if the foreground is faint increase. I often x out rusty crowncaps, you just gota watch out for nickels which can get over there and the early nickel allow indians. Also be on the lookout for very silver sounding targets that are getting pulled down into the rusty crowncap zone, you may have silver sitting under a disitegrating rusty crowncap. I dug two of those already this year.
[quote daveo]Hope this isnt too long ,any advice , please feel free, i hunt in smartfind, IM 30, sens. 16(manual), gain 9 , threshold 7, variability 8, limits 10, sounds, ferrous, recovery , fast and deep,contrast 10,,, on the select , I accept , coins, jewlery, I xout foil and nails, and I leave ferrous coins,pull tabs,and screwcaps blank . Is this a good combination? Thanks in advance for any help,[/quote]