...That is up to the Lord,of course-But the plans I have -and;this hinges on a new contract that expires at my workplace Feb.28-There is a new motorcycle in my future by Springtime;provided everything turns out ok.....I will be gettin one of them Dual-Purpose bikes for on and off-road!!...Take it up north with me on vacation to do some trail riding...I am leaning toward the Kawasaki KLR 650-6 gallon tank;50 +miles a gallon-Gotta do my part to conserve energy,will be ridin it to work too...Got me a motorcycle mag yesterday-some of them dual-purpose bikes sell for near$20,000.00

...The one Im lookin at is around the $5,ooo.oo mark-MY NEIGHBORHOOD!....The most important part:IT COMES IN RED!!!
VERY important....BUT:IM NOT GETTIN AHEAD OF MYSELF HERE:first;I gotta get back to my hoof Dr. on the 11th of December and;hopefully,get this cast off my right leg and back to work.I went for a half-mile walk(limp?)today-felt real good-I really miss my walking a lot!!You should all try to get outside today;REAL nice out there-not gonna last;in the 30s by Friday