Here's my finds from bullet hill this month.... Everything shown, except 2 of the silver dimes were found at bullet hill. I also found my oldest find ever, yeah it's a little worn, but how would you look at 238 yrs. old. 1774 Spanish 1 Reale, found at 1 1/2 inches deep. It has the Mexico City mintmark on it. It's probably not worth much, but it is a priceless find for me. There are 34 fired, 3 ringers. The coin finds on this hill are few and far between, but generally they end up having some age to them. I also found a very unusual doorknob, which I found about 4 inches under an 1892 Barber quarter, and a couple tokens, a couple silver rings and the rest speaks for itself. Again Thank You Steve and Larry for showing me the way to this gem of a site. The clean-up of some of these finds have been difficult. I have been mastering electrolysis with some of these finds, only on finds that can't be cleaned by other means. Both Barber Quarters, looked like they had been in a fire. The 1909o was totally encrusted with crud. Andrew, remember that encrusted disc that we thought was a button? Nope!! It was the token that says Fire Insurance and Real Estate City on one side, and C.J. SPURK / OVER / 101 S. ?EFF. AVE. It cleaned up pretty good. Anybody know what the black thing that has a tip like a pencil is? It rang up 12-38 on the ctx, and was about 5 inches in the ground. Anyway the Mystery and Suspense is over, hope to see everyone at the potluck next week. I'll be out again this morning, bright and early, before it gets too hot. HH EVERYONE PLEASE NOTICE I DIDN'T FIND ANY SEATED COINS. YOU KNOW WHY? ANDREW IS HOARDING THEM ALL!!!!!