Bugar In. USA
Active member
Ok got it bout an hour ago=storm warnings out, set up, headed for metal bleachers at dragstrip. OK, 60 yr of trash, metal bleachers, AWWWrriitte, got in 15 mins and lightning storm, still goin on BAAADDD lightning, in 15 min with this setup got 1.75 in clad, get very few nickles cause they price everything so they don't have to mess with hardly anything but dimes and quarters, so i disc at +11 for this first go - around,====FANTASTIC AND NO TRASH, kinda different lookin, but sure works good, Ralph got his act together, ID #'s are off just about 2 one way or the other, but ID's real close to usin a coil 

bout a dollars worth o velcro does it

bout a dollars worth o velcro does it