Here is how today's hunt went..... 1 1914 Barber Quarter, 1 Standing Liberty Quarter date worn off, 1 1917 merc. dime, 1951,1961,1964 dime, 2 wheat 1941,1953 also misc. finds 1993 beach badge, 1967 pin with the letter T also a button dated 1939 with a insignia and name Wonceae Dannakk if anybody know what that is let me know. and lot's of clad from the 60"s
I had to hunt in high Disc. because today was like hunting in a trash dump but the Excal still picked coins out of the trash I'm sure we have missed some jewelry but I'm still happy with this hunt.....
Any suggestion's for hunting in this much trash???? Excal II 10" coil
I had to hunt in high Disc. because today was like hunting in a trash dump but the Excal still picked coins out of the trash I'm sure we have missed some jewelry but I'm still happy with this hunt.....
Any suggestion's for hunting in this much trash???? Excal II 10" coil