I got my AT Pro in November, and since we've had a few nice days, I've been able to play with it around the house. It's worked well and I've found loads of coins. Today, I went down to a field that years ago had a school and started on a part of the field I hadn't tried. There is a small stream nearby and I put the coil about an inch under water. Immediately, it sounded like a morse code sender. I removed it from the water and the chatter continued. I brought it home--thought maybe drying it would help. I took off the coil cover. There are no marks, scratches, or anything else, but the thing keeps making the chattering noice when ever I turn it on. What do I do? It's Sunday, so no way to contact Garrett. What the hell is going on? This thing is supposed to work in water, right? Needless to say, I am not to damn happy.