[size=large]so i meet up with my hb, Mrpoptop and his son this mid-a.m. we go finish the area where i found my silver and after a while we break for lunch and re-meet at one of the sport complexes.now Mrpoptop is a positive fellow. dispite every mder in town hitting this place, Mrpoptop says there's lots of coin left. he was right. it paid out better than i thought. mind you we may have a donating population of around 30,000 people in this area and they don't all go to all the parks. so the pickings aren't ten dollars or so a hunt. anyway i'm just searching my little heart away and BAM!! i get a +94 reading.
i confirm it with the 90 degree circle bit. the signal never changed from +94. i'm excited. another silver i think. i dig it and search the plug and out falls a clad qtr. a 1965 qtr. at that. so i check the hole and plug again and there's another signal in the plug. i zero in on it and expose another qtr. i go to pull it out and two more qtrs. come with it. thats $1.00. the same reading i got from the machine. every time i swung the coil over it was the same reading.+94 $1. this machine knows how to count.
the odd thing here is it didn't jump around. it read a very solid +94. only four inches down. these last two hunts have been a lot of fun, and the MXT PRO has been very impressive. been see-sawing on selling my ml but today decided to do. will put on craigs list as soon as my bride of 41 yrs. helps figure how to word it. i'm going strickly Whites. except for my hand held probe.
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i confirm it with the 90 degree circle bit. the signal never changed from +94. i'm excited. another silver i think. i dig it and search the plug and out falls a clad qtr. a 1965 qtr. at that. so i check the hole and plug again and there's another signal in the plug. i zero in on it and expose another qtr. i go to pull it out and two more qtrs. come with it. thats $1.00. the same reading i got from the machine. every time i swung the coil over it was the same reading.+94 $1. this machine knows how to count.

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