I actually got the suggestion to use o-rings from a member on another forum but this is what I came up with. They are from Ace Hardware and they are o-ring bag #48, $.69(ea) The actual dimensions are 5/8" O.D. x 3/8" I.D. x 1/8" wall thickness. I tried a couple different sizes and this one seems to work out the best. It's a very simple mod and should take care of any issues you may have with the knobs getting bumped out of adjustment accidentally. Pull/pry the knob up and off, push the o-ring into the recess on the bottom of the knob, line up knob indicator line and push fully back onto the shaft. Be careful also not to pull the small stock o-rings off the shaft when you first remove the knobs. Two important tips I'd like to share are (1) Be careful to pull or pry straight up on the knob and not pry the knob/shaft assembly at an angle. (2) Be sure and line the indicator line on the discrimination knob back up exactly where it goes to insure you are setting your discrimination level accurately afterwards. I've included a photo of my method of prying the knob up and off with an old bottle opener ( Yes, I found it on a hunt )...be sure and protect the box with something. If you ever have this problem I suggest you try out this mod... it's quick, affordable and effective. I put them on all 3 knobs but you could get away with only putting it on the discrimination knob if you like as that's the one that can be a serious problem if it gets bumped as it's not as obvious to notice like the other two. Personal preference. I think it puts a perfect amount of friction into turning the knob and prevents it from being accidentally knocked out of adjustment by a cord drag or minor bump. JMHO Hope it helps. Now, how to prevent the ground tracking switch from getting bumped to "Lock"....?