Today I used my Compass Coin Scanner Pro in a park. It has an analog meter (with needle). Haven't used it since I got the Vaquero last Feb. Comparing the two machines the Vaquero is no less acurate when I try to ID a target. The Compass is a good deep detector with 3 tones but it doesn't know a nickel from a pulltab or a piece of foil or a ring, the meter however will give the depth and acuaretly ID a penny, Dime, or Quarter, everything else is a guess. The Vaquero lets me know it's a coin when I twirl the discrimination knob all the way up. Now it seems that a meter doesn't do much for me. Would like to know if the Deleon visual ID is really helpful. (Revision - Found all I need to know about the Deleon TID in older posts).