The photo's don't get deleted here, at least not tech. one's. There is no one here going about deleting photos, at least not unless there nasty ones.<grin> I have read a few post by others mentioning the same, but there miss-informed, and spreading miss-information. If one were to take a look at the properties of the red X that appears, you would see where it was stored. If the photo was deleted, there would be no trace of it being there.
What you may have noticed since the new forum, none of the photos on the old forum could be brought over. There was nothing that could be done. So perhaps that's what your referring to ???
Also, just like in Charles case, a great deal of the photo's, and tech. papers were not stored on Finds forums, so Finds has no control if other forums choose to stop the photos stored on their forums. With your forum, most leave their post on your forum pages. That's not always the case here.
With the old forum when files got corrupted, sometimes batches of files needed to be removed. If they were such a post in the middle of this, they would have gone also. This new forum is a bit more secure.
Mr. Bill