Got my Deleon back today .CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH @#$%^$. Quote" I know its not what you want to here,but your Deleon is working exceptionally well here.I personally checked your unit when it arrived and other than the normal response due to interference spikes here in the factory I could not fault it. Everything you described was cause by a strong source of external interference ---ID units are more susceptible to this,and there are times when we have to go strictly audio as the meter will be scrolling to the extent that is unusable." Unquote This was checked by Rusty Henry sevice Tesoro. YOU GOT THAT RIGHT UNUSABLE ! when it acted up in middle of woods and screen freezes on iron reading and stays there. To point of not able to use detector,what was the interference allergic to TREES?.The detector would be working fine then bam hicups where screen get stuck in iron reading .ITS GONE AND THIS WAS MY FIRST TESORO !!!!!. I had heard that it was sesitive to EMI but this!!!.:veryangry: