I took my M-6 out to an old church yesterday.I found a 1961 Rosie right away.This was impressive as I hadn't ground balanced it correctly(Dah!!!).I tried to ground balance it with the trac locked.This is funny.I didn't seem to act right,noisy,falsing,I.D.wrong over targets.Once I found the error of my ways,got it ground balanced right,it smoothed right out.I hunted the whole property and only found 2 coppers pennies more.I had a little more time to hunt so I went to a spot that only seems to produce old coins,wheaties,silver dimes,quarters and old Jefferson nickels.Got the detector set up,put it in the tones mode and went to work.Popped a 1936-D wheatie about 5" right away.Went to a spot I haven't hunted yet.Got a high tone.77 VDI.Out of the ground comes a Buffalo nickel.It was my 1st Buffalo nickel.The date was worn off .It was one of the coins I had as a goal this summer.Had to leave the spot.I dug all the signals at first just to see what the M-6 was telling me.I dug a 1/2 5 galloon bucket of trash.Deep iron was giving me fits but I'm starting to learn this puppy.I hope I have enough time to detect before the ground freezes to learn the M-6 better.It's misting outside otherwise I'd be detecting not typing.The tip sheet they sent with the M-6 has helped a lot.Bill