Since Mike is the genius here;and gave me this idea of a contest of my own;I had to ask myself-WHY didnt think of this???SO=-HERE IT IS:dogface's Contest!!The guess that is closest will receive an autographed picture of me!!!...
BUT SERIOUSLY;FOLKS...the guess closest will get;from me;a 1911 Plain Barber Dime;and a 1919D Mercury Dime!!...these were recovered by me hunting that old athletic field out behind my house a couple of years ago;before the owner started throwin her weight around this year;and made detecting there taboo....Dont know the grades;but they are in good enough shape...SO:HERES THE QUESTION:In my ring case;I count a total of 100 rings-how many of them are gold?? Remember;the one closest gets the silver-so PUT ON THEM THINKIN CAPS AND LET HER FLY!!I WILL TALLY THE NAMES AND NUMBERS UNTIL FRIDAY NOON MICHIGAN TIME-and I will let ya all know then who is the winner!!P.S;If anybody's dead on the count;I will throw in a 1904 plain Barber quarter;found on the same site!!