About a month ago I went detecting with my friend Pastor Bob, I had my Minelab Explorer XS and My Whites DFX. We hunted three different areas, at the last area we were loading up to go home, I had my hearing aids in my shirt pocket. I pulled out the pouch I keep my ear buds in that I use for headphones. This pouch was in my shirt pocket with the hearing aids, out flew one of my hearing aids. Only took ten, fifteen minutes to find it, however we did find it, that was a GOOD find. We get home the rechargeable battery pack for the Whites is missing. Neither of us could find it in the car. My wife went with me back to all three areas looking for the battery pack, no luck. We come home eat dinner and I realize my cell phone is missing, the wife and I get in the car again and hunt for the cell phone. Found it at the first area, another GOOD find, still no battery pack. Today about a month later Pastor Bob calls he had his car serviced and the guys found my battery pack somewhere in his car (The Bermuda Triangle). Now I am three for three finds on my loses, and I have RELEARNED not to have anything on my person or my pockets that I want to risk losing while detecting.