I modeled my test after this recent famous one linked to below that's been floating around the net on elevated nail masking. I had done similar testing in the past with my GT but wanted to do it again on video so people could see how well the GT did in a similar test. I'd say the old girl held her own nicely! Watch this video and decide for yourself.
And also on my video in the first message of this thread, keep in mind I was right under some power lines and right next to a house so the Sovereign was a good bit unstable/noisy due to EMI, and also keep in mind that the built in speaker of the Sovereign doesn't do it's rich long detailed audio with fine details and sweet numerous tone alerts justice. There is simply no comparison to the quality of the Sovereigns audio heard through it's built in speaker compared to through a good set of headphones, and as said the GT was rather unstable due to the terrible EMI in the area of testing.
What you are seeing in both these videos is the DD line nulling on the iron (or sounding off to it in the second video's case) when it's first hitting it, and then as the coil moves and the DD line becomes parallel to the nail (thus no longer in the coil's detection field), the DD line is then able to go deeper and see the top surface of the coin off to the side of the nail.
You just need a good top of the line machine (such as the Sovereign) and a good sharp DD coil. I've even done this test with the stock 10" Tornado in the past with similar results, as that's the best stock DD coil I ever used on a detector. Goes deep and has a sharp field. Much better and with a far less "fuzzy" field than the various renditions of 10" stock DD coils I've used on other machines.
As a sidenote...Note how the GT is able to react to and separate the dime from both nails at the end of the test even with a rather fast movement of the coil. I wanted to note that because many people watch that famous Norfolk video and think the Sovereign won't see a coin that is two feet front a nail in the air test he did. That's because the guy was swinging the coil like he was launching a golf ball! You can't do that with ANY Minelab, and it really bothers me that it has led people to believe that the Sovereign is useless in heavy trash and iron.
In fact, I'd say the reverse of that is true. Best machine I've ever used in trash. You just can't be swinging the coil around like your killing snakes or trying to put out a fire at the end of your detector shaft.
It's all about proper coil control. Yes, you can go faster than some would suspect with the Sovereign, but there's also a "technique" to it when you want to do that. I prefer slow though 99% of the time, as I find at hard pounded sites when you can work the coil slow on a machine you can sniff out stuff that you just can't do with a machine that requires you to maintain a certain high level of coil speed to insure best performance. Like trying to read a sign as you go 100mph down the road versus 35.
(EDITING TO POST LINK TO ANOTHER MACHINE'S POPULAR ELEVATED NAIL TESTING VIDEO I WAS DUPLICATING MY TESTS ON WITH THE SOVEREIGN TO SEE HOW IT WOULD DO. This might take some time so I may have to post the link later when I figure out how to resolve a problem here I don't know how to solve yet...Darn internet with it's obscure cryptic linking system...