The last two days where fantastic weather here in upstate NY. I was invited to hunt at a farm and also hit a nearby town Green with churches dated 1842 at one end. In the two days using the F70, I got 7 wheaties all at the farm along with the 1914 barber and the the 39 mercury. At the green under the same tree at which I found a barber last year got this barber, 1912. By the sidewalk near the church got the 1891 IH, and was going to skip the nickle as it was only 2 inches deep in some gravel. Dug it anyway and got my first V Nickel, (in very bad shape, 189?) I suppose thats a inventory tag of some sort. It was just a great few days-that I didnt want to end- I am going back next week, thats for sure!