Just got back from a trip to Florida's west coast, heavily sanded in beaches. I found 22 quarters,14 nickels,32 dimes 58 pennies ,a brass token,a brass porthole fitting,a lead minnow,3 lead fishing wgts.,a couple of 100 beer cans,pop tops and the only gold item I found was a Gold colored condom wrapper. Also I thought it rather odd but my wife and me were waking on the beach hunting seashells and I saw some black rounded rocks in one location. My first thought was ballast stones, maybe a ship wreak nearby. I started digging them out of the sand,which I might add was over our heads by about 3 ft.from their recent beach restoration. These rocks felt solid at first but were heavily encrusted with sand. I thought this would be odd that they would be very abrasive to a wooden ships hull. I grabbed one about the size of a softball and attempted to try and break it apart. When I started the squeeze on it, it felt spongy. I broke it apart and it was a tar ball. I don't know where they got their donor sand but it sounds to me like they may have covered up what they were trying to cover up. I had a great trip but now I'm back to the dirt mining.