Got ahead on the farm and after the big thaw yesterday decided to go for a park hunt today.Called my brother who lives in Keego Harbor MI and would search some areas close to him.The first park still had per ma frost or mud so I found myself restricted searching on dry patches in the park.First couple of targets were green patina wheat's and the Cen-Tech meter worked well gave a 180 reading and didn't blank out in the bright sunlight so far a good start.Another 45 minutes found some clad and memorials, then my battery died.I brought an alkaline pack with me and told my brother a quick trip to the car for a battery change.Nothing like being prepared alkaline pack in and they were dead also.I got a deal on Ebay for my brother a G 500 CSI Garrett and felt obligated to get him off on a good start.Anyway he still hadn't found any coins and I asked to use the Garrett a couple of minutes before we left for batteries.Just joking I said let me show you some silver got a target with a cursor bounce between a penny and quarter icon.The target wasn't locking on well hit the pinpoint and show a faint signal and 6-7 inch deep target.Cut a plug and checked with the PistoProbe still in the hole another couple of scoops and could see the silver rim of a 1948 rosie.Anyway I gave the dime to my brother told him first silver for the Garrett.Note the PistolProbe sucks for the Sovereign cross talk and just couldn't hear it that well wish I kept my S-1 probe.Went after batteries and to another park more clad a deep wheat recovered digging through 3-4 inches of frost.Overall a good a day and search.