Found my first large cent yesterday -- an 1822 "Matron" Head -- 25 feet from my back door!
I had an hour to kill, so I took my new AT Pro into the back yard, just to practice with it. I figured I'd find a lot of nails (I've found dozens of small nails/tacks) and some modern clad. As far as I know, my land has always been pasture/grazing land for sheep or cows. The yard "crests" then drops off about 25 feet from the house, and there was a barbed wire fence along the crest when I moved in 12 years ago. I figured maybe someone might have lost something while working or walking along that old fence line (the fence probably only went back to the 1970s or so), so that's where I started.
Amidst a bunch of noise that I assume was more small nails, I got a powerful hit about six inches down. First I took out a nail at about 4 inches, then, one more large scoop of dirt left me looking at the coin, half exposed and sitting upright in the soil. It's pretty corroded, but I was able to clean it up enough to get the image and the date.
Now, I'm going to have to go over my whole yard -- about 5 acres!
I had an hour to kill, so I took my new AT Pro into the back yard, just to practice with it. I figured I'd find a lot of nails (I've found dozens of small nails/tacks) and some modern clad. As far as I know, my land has always been pasture/grazing land for sheep or cows. The yard "crests" then drops off about 25 feet from the house, and there was a barbed wire fence along the crest when I moved in 12 years ago. I figured maybe someone might have lost something while working or walking along that old fence line (the fence probably only went back to the 1970s or so), so that's where I started.
Amidst a bunch of noise that I assume was more small nails, I got a powerful hit about six inches down. First I took out a nail at about 4 inches, then, one more large scoop of dirt left me looking at the coin, half exposed and sitting upright in the soil. It's pretty corroded, but I was able to clean it up enough to get the image and the date.
Now, I'm going to have to go over my whole yard -- about 5 acres!