For those of you who have been helping me (yesterday) I took everyones advise and got it tuned in just fine. I went out in my yard and got it tuned in. I started playing around and started get hits right off the bat. I found no junk, all coins. I was suprised to find so many newer coins so deep. I found a 1988 quarter about 10 inches down. The signal was strong and the LCD told me it was either a quarter or fifty cent piece. IT took some time digging around but I found it with my bullseyer, there it was. I am very pleased with the performance with the cortes. I am a rookie or a TARD in some peoples terms, but found the Cortes to be very easy and forgiving to use. I know I have a lot to learn, I am going down to the old Civil War base abondoned Coast Guard Base now, tomorrow at Morris Island. Anybody in town let me know. Thanks Ronnie