I only had a hour to dig today, so I went to a old park I been hunting now since '86. I got a nickel signal at 6 inches, and found a old bottlecap around 5, rechecked the hole with my probe, found a 1950 Wheatie a inch farther down. After only finding a zinc cent and a Canadian pennie at 6 inches, it was starting to get dark so I put it on preset to cherrypick and try to find some deep coins. I got a nice signal on the side of a hill, pinpointed it to 8 inches, YES!, its got to be something good. Cut my plug, dug down a few inches, probed w/the Sunray and had a signal, dug down to around 8 inches, scooped a clump of dirt up and on to the pile, and just happened to notice the little silver ring poking out of the dirt. Love that feeling. This park has been hunted so much, I never thought I would find a silver quarter right out in the open like this. Sorry to make such a big deal out of this one coin, my wife and I are due in 5 days with our second baby, I dont have that much time to detect, let alone find silver.