Okay if the mods think this needs deleted, they can do so without any hard feelings from me. Fisher didn't tell me to say any of this...nor did they tell me not to, so I don't consider it to be classified info.
Most of you are aware of the problems I had with the F75 LTD2 machine. Mine was mostly to do with the all metal depth not being up to par. We had tested it against a couple other F75 machines...one boosted and non upgraded version and a regular F75 without boost or anything. My machine was off quite a bit from theirs. Mine also had the pinpoint issue in disc mode with the multi tone options. My main concern was the all metal side of things...I seldom hunt in disc mode to be honest with you. There was another issue I never mentioned on the forum but my machine in FA mode was very unstable...very erratic. It worked but was like it was around EMI the whole time.
The disc mode side of things was pretty decent...better than most I had seen give air tests from. Although mine did fall short of my buddies F75 LTD without the upgrade. We swapped coils around and kind of figured that my coil might be the problem.
Long story short here....I sent my unit in. Fisher has had it for a while. And I have been kind of vocal about the whole situation in regards to quality, etc.
Now the thing you need to remember here....is that my machine was a new stock unit. It wasn't one that was sent in for the upgrade...it was one bought already with it. And the big thing is that I am the 2nd owner of it. The first owner tested it for a while and then sold it to me. Whether he realized that it wasn't up to par or not...I don't know and am not accusing anybody of that. I just wanted to be clear that I wasn't the original owner of it and that I knew I didn't have any warranty for the unit.
By sending the unit in, I knew I was going to have to pay for any repairs and I was prepared to do so. No big deal....that's part of the risk of buying a used machine. You can save a few dollars and might get a good machine and never have a problem. Or sometimes it bites you in the butt and you'd been better off just spending the money up front and getting a brand new unit.
Well after playing phone tag (Fisher would call me...and I would be unavailable...and then it was always after business hours when I would see they had called). We finally was able to get in contact with one another.
I spoke to Juan and he told me they were getting ready to repair my machine and should be able on its way by the end of the week. He told me that there were a few issues with mine but they were being taken care of. But here is what got me off guard: they were gonna do it all for FREE. No charge. On the forums where people were slamming Fisher (myself included, on the QC issues and communication) you seldom see any thing good posted when a company does something good. People are quick to jump on the bad....and ride it to death. But the good...you seldom hear a peep from anybody. That is the purpose of this message here. I just wanted to relate my story and to show that they are really trying to get all this stuff fixed and move on down the road.
Most of you are aware of the problems I had with the F75 LTD2 machine. Mine was mostly to do with the all metal depth not being up to par. We had tested it against a couple other F75 machines...one boosted and non upgraded version and a regular F75 without boost or anything. My machine was off quite a bit from theirs. Mine also had the pinpoint issue in disc mode with the multi tone options. My main concern was the all metal side of things...I seldom hunt in disc mode to be honest with you. There was another issue I never mentioned on the forum but my machine in FA mode was very unstable...very erratic. It worked but was like it was around EMI the whole time.
The disc mode side of things was pretty decent...better than most I had seen give air tests from. Although mine did fall short of my buddies F75 LTD without the upgrade. We swapped coils around and kind of figured that my coil might be the problem.
Long story short here....I sent my unit in. Fisher has had it for a while. And I have been kind of vocal about the whole situation in regards to quality, etc.
Now the thing you need to remember here....is that my machine was a new stock unit. It wasn't one that was sent in for the upgrade...it was one bought already with it. And the big thing is that I am the 2nd owner of it. The first owner tested it for a while and then sold it to me. Whether he realized that it wasn't up to par or not...I don't know and am not accusing anybody of that. I just wanted to be clear that I wasn't the original owner of it and that I knew I didn't have any warranty for the unit.
By sending the unit in, I knew I was going to have to pay for any repairs and I was prepared to do so. No big deal....that's part of the risk of buying a used machine. You can save a few dollars and might get a good machine and never have a problem. Or sometimes it bites you in the butt and you'd been better off just spending the money up front and getting a brand new unit.
Well after playing phone tag (Fisher would call me...and I would be unavailable...and then it was always after business hours when I would see they had called). We finally was able to get in contact with one another.
I spoke to Juan and he told me they were getting ready to repair my machine and should be able on its way by the end of the week. He told me that there were a few issues with mine but they were being taken care of. But here is what got me off guard: they were gonna do it all for FREE. No charge. On the forums where people were slamming Fisher (myself included, on the QC issues and communication) you seldom see any thing good posted when a company does something good. People are quick to jump on the bad....and ride it to death. But the good...you seldom hear a peep from anybody. That is the purpose of this message here. I just wanted to relate my story and to show that they are really trying to get all this stuff fixed and move on down the road.