Thanks ohmygato for your comments and support.almost 3 years now and i cannot believe the finds ,some overwhelming,whites treasure stories is running 2 of my stories right now under ddaddydigger,and kellyco treasure finds is running 3,1 they keep on the front page since last august,about the $6000.00 ring i found,but i do have a passion for this hobby ,if you can on kellyco.they are running a story of a commerative medallion i found and returned to the jj haverty furniture was a feel good story.the medallion was 76 years old,and made of brass,but as the pictures shows it cleaned up very nice.but returning an archive that was lost to a great great grandson was very satisfying,and i think all of this and the other posts and all the forums have raised my awareness of what can be found if i am willing to pay the price.the president of a local club went out with me on a hunt,and afterwards commented he couldn't believe i have only 3 years as a THer,he has 35 years experience,and I appreciated his remarks of evidence of my dedication,but Larry,ill has been an intrical part of my growth as well as all of you guys comments and forums posts......HH