Mark ( ohio )
Well-known member
Holy cow !! How many nickles have ya dug on one outing?? Well this mornings hunt found 17 nickles in to my pouch... WOW... Actually had 19 hits , but 2 turned out to be junk.. One piece of an alum can... and one bigger piece of balled up alum foil.. So... 17/19 thats a pretty impressive average for sure..
And btw.. I been over this place sooooooooo many times with other units ( even an f-75 se ) how did these get missed ?????
I'm lovin the cz... booya..
Mark ( ohio )
And btw.. I been over this place sooooooooo many times with other units ( even an f-75 se ) how did these get missed ?????
I'm lovin the cz... booya..
Mark ( ohio )