I was worried about you, and family. I am so glad things are better. May come a time that I will need all of your prayers. I have been married 18 years and times have seen happier days. We are constantly stressed about our daughter. We adopted her from Russian when she just turned three. She is ten now and has A.D.D. AND A.D.H.D.. We love her so much and would do anything for her. She is very small for her age, she could pass for a 6 or seven year old. She has difficulty learning and poor social skills. She has fits of anger that makes Linda Blairs preformance in the Exorsist look tame. This is quite a stress on our marrage. I would never get a divorce or leave my children. I look to God for answers and strength. I do not drink or go out with the boys ever. May seem sad, but my family is the most important thing to me. One great escape for me is the rare oppertunity to go metal detecting. It is where I can think about the thinks in life that are important. I really do resolve some issues while detecting, and once in awhile find a coin or two. My daughter is a great basketball player, singer and acts in plays. So she does wonderful in many activities. She went to the University of Michigan hospital for an evaluation today. We do not have all the details but they said she would not grow much more than she has already. That is scarey because she is only four foot something. Sorry to rammble on. Jamie I am glad things are better, I wanted to call you to see if things were ok. But was not aware of the situation, and the details. I don't like to bother people, so I did pray. Thought I lost my only hope of a detecting partner. Let me know when you have some time to search for treasure. Jeff.