...It was a PERFECT celebration-Me and Lisa;another member of our congregation,got it started with"BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC"-The sanctuary was packed with standing-room only;they were making a lot of noise talking-When Lisa and I started walking to the front,and they seen me with my guitar strapped on;it was TOTAL SILENCE....I said a prayer to the Lord to help us perform for HIS glory;and it was...PERFECT
-EVERYBODY loved it-Lisa has that kind of voice that is awe-inspiring,nd it was truly an honor to accompany her.There was a choir,and some of the school-kids played their band instruments along with them-absolutely FLAWLESS in their presentation.There was also a woman that brought in her hammer dulcimer to play during the offering.We had a marvelous catered dinner;and one of the visiters to church came up to me and said how much they liked the prelude music me and Lisa did.I told them"YES-THAT LISA HAS A GREAT VOICE;DOESNT SHE?"She looked at me and said yes-but she also said "I was really referring to your guitar playing!":blush:I said "thank you"and I thought to myself that my ability to play really is a gift from the LORD;and I am glad it makes people that hear it happy.BY the way:I didnt get any digital still photos of the time capsule being removed from the church wall-it was raining;didnt want to get it wet.I will see if I can transfer some of my video footage to still shots and get em on here.