Eddie in Poulsbo
New member
Well, my buddy Lee got his XS back from Minelab's repair place in Chicago yesterday and it still doesn't work. He made a list of four things that were causing his problems and they fixed three of them. I'd like to say that 75% fixed is good, but when you get your detector back it should be working at 100%. Lee was not a happy camper and I stopped by his business office this morning and he gave Minelab a call. He talked with a technician and described what it was doing and we even turned his detector on so the guy could listen to the noise it was making over the phone. When you waved a coin under the coil it was making a weird long response sound and also making a chirping sound. It wasn't your usual sound that he got, but just a really weird sound and you knew it wasn't right. We tried a different coil which I knew was good and even tried bypassing his X-! probe and it still made that weird sound. Bottom line is the tech said he would email my buddy a UPS priority sticker of some kind and if Lee gets it mailed back tomorrow then he guaranteed that he would have it back by the 23rd. Our club is having a hunt that day and Lee wants his XS back so bad so he can try and beat my butt at this hunt. His backup White's just isn't cutting the mustard. Guess we'll see if they keep their word and hopefully they will get it fixed this time.