Headed out of town for a couple of nice large busy snow hills today. First stop was McDonald's for a Sausage McMuffin, second stop.......... a railway crossing argh!!!!!!

Here's one of the places I stopped at. A sure sign of spring too. Those Canada geese were coming home. I figured I had the whole place to myself, when I noticed in the distance a fellow using a Radio Shack machine and his wife. Now he has this game figured out. He finds the targets with his detector, and his wife digs them. Now how's that for team work.

I hope he gives her a cut of the loot too.

I used my ACE combo again today. Both ACE 150 + ACE 250 go me some nice finds.

After about 7 grueling hours of tackling those hills, my goodie bag was getting heavy, and I was getting plain worn out. Lots of junk....lots of loot!

You just never know what will show up under that coil. Why these (fake) jewels were out on the hill is beyond me. The heart might be silver, although there is no stamp. And....a ring is a ring is a ring is a ring. So that's a ring. Number 4 for 2010

Here's the coins all nicely stacked up. One and two dollar coins really bring the totals up quickly.
Below is my winning hand at snow hill poker, a couple of ACES which won the pot of $36.91