Yesterday I went to a field that I hunted last year and it was in corn last season. I got a large cent, some indians, shield nickel, CW buttons, assorted relics etc.....I wanted to return this year when it was a nice flat cut bean field hoping for more goodies. This site was on the 1872 map and gone by the 1914 map, so gone for 100+ years. Started getting signals right off the bat and I couldn't believe how much was missed because of the previous years corn stalks. I got a screaming 07-49 signal and it sounded sweet. This site is right at 1/2 mile off the road, so I knew it was NOT a beer can lol. I took two big scoops out and checked the hole, now it was a solid 12-47 from both directions....oh boy I am thinking a large cent or big silver. I put my pinpointer in the hole and at the bottom of the hole it goes off, I brush away some dirt and see a flat brass looking thing standing straight up and down on edge. I pull it out and at first I am greatly disappointed as I thought it was a brass door lock, then I wiped away some dirt and saw the eagle on the plate, I about fell over....I jumped up and started screaming like a fool! I was so happy as I never DREAMED, I would EVER find a CW sword plate in NW Ohio. This will be a memorable day for a long time for far my BEST relic ever!!!!