I'm going to check into that idea. My bike "end bar" hand grip is curved slightly to the left (they come in a two pack- one bends slightly left and the other slightly right, good for people left or right handed). I can see advantages to this for comfort as it makes your hand feel in a more natural position, but the drawback is the top of the grip is slightly off center from the shaft. So, what I did was I cut a thin piece of plywood (1/8") into the shape of the V-clip, but made it a bit wider on one side so that this piece could be secured to the top of the grip with two zip ties. I then mounted the original V-clip onto the top of the plywood off to the one side to line up with the shaft with another single zip tie routing through the rivet holes. The meter will still slide onto it so long as the zip is flat. I had to put the front part of this zip through a plastic spacing collar (tube) between the ply and the V-clip so that the meter would tilt back a bit further for easier viewing.
It's all very light weight, sturdy, and should work fine. But, it doesn't look very good. Previously I had simply mounted my meter on tall bolts that I mounted where the V-clip holes where. With the heads of the bolts grinded down they would clear the meter sliding onto the clip, and multiple nuts/washers held it all where it should be. That looked a little less red neck, but I didn't want the extra weight of those bolts on this lightweight shaft. Besides, I've always been a fan of the Whites meter/grip setup, one of the reasons why I installed the remote pinpoint.
Now that I have the thing mounted and know the angles needed I figured I might mock up a wedge of those dimensions out of one solid piece of balsa I have laying around. It would be as light as it gets and painted black wouldn't look to bad, replacing all the above components with a simple wedge of balsa and a few zip ties.
The other idea I was kicking around was heading back up to the bike shop and seeing what kind of mirrors, little lights, or other gizmos they had laying around that are designed to snap onto handle bars/end bars. Something like that might have an adjustable range of angles to it with a pivot or something and so would adjust the meter to just where you wanted it. Snapping onto the detector shaft (or the hand grip in my case) would be a nice clean install. They also tend to build things for bikes as light as possible so I'm sure it would keep the weight to a minimum.
If I can't find anything to my liking up at the bike shop I'll head over to the hardware store and steal your idea because I do like it.