Last weekend was my 1st official hunt with my Bounty Hunter 101. Just a quick jaunt to the local park with my girlfriend. We turned it on and bam, a hit right off the go. I was excited thinking I may have found a 1920's artifact. Nope!! A piece of rebar from when they remodeled the park. Okay, no worries, patience is the key to this hobby. Swinging again another ping. 4 inches under, a scrap of aluminum!? Dang! Again we go swinging next to the old pine trees where everyone has climbed at one time or another and their pockets are full of change falling out from hanging upside down. Pinged a hit! Only a little ways down and Ta-Da!! A 1974 Penny!! Sweet, a cool little find so I know I am on the right track. One more swing, a ping and I dig down and hit the mother-load!! The ever popular beer tab chain! So with my efforts, I found some rebar, a huge chunk of glass, a piece of scrap metal, the penny and tab chain. I took all the garbage home so no one gets bunked like I did. Hey, it was all fun, I did fill in my little holes so no one sprains an ankle and I chalked it up to experience. It was just nice to get out on a nice Sunday afternoon on a nice spring day.