I powered up the detector, walked under a tree, found a pocket dump! I dug that and walked 10 feet and boom, batteries are dead! I got 4 pennies, 3 dimes, and 1 quarter in 15 minutes!
We're getting ready for the 1840 log home hunt tomorrow.... as long as the weather holds out!
I came home and wiped down the detector, changed the batteries, hit the power and saw CU! I wondered what that was.... dummy ..... coil unconnected! I removed the environmental cover and forgot to reconnect. I hope everything is OK, I saw in the manual where it said to never do that! I tested it and it seems OK.
We're getting ready for the 1840 log home hunt tomorrow.... as long as the weather holds out!
I came home and wiped down the detector, changed the batteries, hit the power and saw CU! I wondered what that was.... dummy ..... coil unconnected! I removed the environmental cover and forgot to reconnect. I hope everything is OK, I saw in the manual where it said to never do that! I tested it and it seems OK.