Got a nice surprise today in the mail - my new Fisher 1236-X2. I didn't get a chance to take it to the parks,tot lots,etc. yet. But tried it in my yard, I turned it on set the discrimination got a beep and about 5 or 6 inches down was a small nail. I said oh great I had iron disc. out and still get a nail, I said to myself oh well that's about the way my luck goes. While I was putting the dirt back in the hole a dime came to light, it was in the pile of dirt that I removed the nail from & I didn't notice it. I have read the 1236-X2 will find goodies next to nails & it is true. I think that I am going to like this beep & dig machine. The only thing I didn't care for was the little sticker on the detector that reads assembled in Taiwan. I was thinking that Fisher was 100% American made. Steve.