Took the MXT out yesterday with the 5.3 eclipse coil on it to some old diggings. I now have to eat my words from another forum where I said the X Terra 70 had no rival amongst VLFs in Australia. Damn, the MXT cruised through some absolute mongrel ground where the Terra would have trouble tracking it out.
I purposely tried three spots where the 70 would pick up lots of false ground noises and couldn't believe it when the MXT just took it in its stride. Now thats what I call "aggressive tracking". The MXT has been a sleeper over here in OZ but I think that will change. I tried the standard coil it comes with and couldn't stand it. Catches sticks in its opening, hard to locate really small targets on(virtually impossible) same as the Terra's open coils, I got rid of them the first chance I had, but the 5.3, that rocked. Being so used to the 70 I kept going to press the screen looking for a push pad, felt weird at first but I am now going to give it a belt on a few of my old good Terra gold nugget spots. It did find gold too by the way. One small .1 gram bit and two specimens. Only funny thing was that when you would sweep across rocky stony ground, because of the coils bottom shape not being flat, it would draw the stones in and cause the coil to sort of bounce up as they made their way under it. Id love to see it flat because of that reason. Wasn't a major hassle in any way but was funny when it first happened. But what a great little coil though on gold.
Tomorrow to another old spot, cant wait.
I purposely tried three spots where the 70 would pick up lots of false ground noises and couldn't believe it when the MXT just took it in its stride. Now thats what I call "aggressive tracking". The MXT has been a sleeper over here in OZ but I think that will change. I tried the standard coil it comes with and couldn't stand it. Catches sticks in its opening, hard to locate really small targets on(virtually impossible) same as the Terra's open coils, I got rid of them the first chance I had, but the 5.3, that rocked. Being so used to the 70 I kept going to press the screen looking for a push pad, felt weird at first but I am now going to give it a belt on a few of my old good Terra gold nugget spots. It did find gold too by the way. One small .1 gram bit and two specimens. Only funny thing was that when you would sweep across rocky stony ground, because of the coils bottom shape not being flat, it would draw the stones in and cause the coil to sort of bounce up as they made their way under it. Id love to see it flat because of that reason. Wasn't a major hassle in any way but was funny when it first happened. But what a great little coil though on gold.
Tomorrow to another old spot, cant wait.