New member
Hello all. Having just sold my DFX I'm looking to try a new detector. I've always wanted to try out an MXT Pro and have been doing a lot of reading. I did find a page online that described the detector as rather chatty if the gain is not set minimally, as in +1 or +2. I know my DFX would go nuts if I had the gain at 4 and sometimes 3 if the AC/DC was not trimmed down a bit. But the author of the MXT article say the CONS were that is was chatty.
Has anyone found this to be the case? I do not like chatty unstable detectors. I was just wondering if the settings always have to be set lower just to make it run smooth. Thanks.
Has anyone found this to be the case? I do not like chatty unstable detectors. I was just wondering if the settings always have to be set lower just to make it run smooth. Thanks.