In the simplest terms, that's what you should listen for. Any "Beep!" that is produced when you have your detector set for maximum performance for the site you're hunting.
Depending upon where you have the Gain set it could be a strong, saturated audio Beep!, or a comfortable Beep!, or perhaps a softer, weaker "iffy" sort of a Beep!
Depending upon the search coil used it could be a strong, saturated audio Beep!, or a comfortable Beep!, or perhaps a softer, weaker "iffy" sort of a Beep!
Depending upon the ground mineral environment you're hunting in it could be a strong, saturated audio Beep!, or a comfortable Beep!, or perhaps a softer, weaker "iffy" sort of a Beep!
In short, there are just too many variables involved for anyone to explain what YOU might ant to listen for. Some audio responses (aka 'Beep') will be very pronounced while others will be more questionable or 'iffy' in nature. If you set the discrimination as low as you can tolerate, and the rest of the settings for peak performance at any given site, the only way to best success is to follow my decades-old encouragement: "Beep-DIG!"
You can use Target ID if you want to be more restrictive in what you put an effort in to recover, but the more discrimination you use, the less sensitive you set the detector up, and the more you rely of visual and audio information to make your decision to dig or not, the fewer the good finds in the end.
Happy Hunting, and Happy Thanksgiving!