I have MXT for only 10 days.
First time i have tried to search near my house (four century old) were the ground is plenty of iron (nails, foils and so on...).
In this place MXT it seemed too much noisy....
In truth were MXT it made signals, i have dug and i have ever found something (nails, little pieces of iron, little foils).
In another place, were there's poor trash i noted that MXT is enough silent.
I Think that when MXT make signal, often there is something and little times this is due to a false signals by mineralization.
A question, i noted that with discrimination near preset position, and in coin and jewelery mode, MXT make a clear sound even if VDI number is negative (iron verified with digging). It happens only when iron is underground not in surface.
How i can set discrimination to eliminate sounds of iron when VDI is negative?
First time i have tried to search near my house (four century old) were the ground is plenty of iron (nails, foils and so on...).
In this place MXT it seemed too much noisy....
In truth were MXT it made signals, i have dug and i have ever found something (nails, little pieces of iron, little foils).
In another place, were there's poor trash i noted that MXT is enough silent.
I Think that when MXT make signal, often there is something and little times this is due to a false signals by mineralization.
A question, i noted that with discrimination near preset position, and in coin and jewelery mode, MXT make a clear sound even if VDI number is negative (iron verified with digging). It happens only when iron is underground not in surface.
How i can set discrimination to eliminate sounds of iron when VDI is negative?