I was gold hunting in a creek this weekend and surrounding area, MXT only beeped on 1 rock tho. I did not bring it home thinking it was a hot rock except for the fact the MXT did NOT say it was a Hotrock. Most of the rocks in the area seemed to be limestone,chert, or flint except for this small heavy black rock, about 1/3rd the size of a football and it went off with a bang. We don't have many hotrocks in northern Illinois. Stupid me, I had a pick with a magnet on and did not even test it.Just threw it on the bank. I am now thinking it might have been a meteorite or at least a good chance of one? Small, heavy, black, flat angular faces, no pits. All the hot rocks I have run into over the years tend to be a lot lighter and either black, white, lite green, or light red. Of course , the last time I found a heavy small black rock, it turned out to be magnetite/hematite but was still worth about 15 bucks I was told. Any suggestions? Again , the MXT was in Prospect mode and meter did NOT say this rock was a Hotrock, fact is there was no indication on the meter as to what it was? I was getting Hotrock/iron signals in the gravel/mud bar around it tho.Should I go back and get this rock, 45 minute hike?