G Day, ya'll, one thing i have noticed about when people have discussions about the depth of the MXTs, is when they compare it to some thing like the V3i
that being said the V3i will give a beep at greater depth but where the MXT has the 3rd tone that will go beyoned anyother machine except PI's.(not swearing here)
this third tone will alert you of an objects pressents beyoned 6" past the point that it stopped bleeping and if you use this 3rd all metal tone to your advantage
you will dig deeper than any other machine on the VLF market,
I have bought those all singing all dancing machines and a few months ago I sold the lot, So forget the stories you hear and enjoy your MXTs
Because it is A Giant Killer and I have taken my machine to the biggest importers where I live and we did back to back tests and I proved that if you know your
MXT well it can beat anything that has come out in the last 12 months, and the secrete is listern to your machine,
and Dig baby Dig